
Thursday, August 11, 2011


Cracks is a 2009 film directed by Jordan Scott (Ridley Scott's daughter), that is set at an English boarding school in the 1930s.  It stars Eva Green as a much-loved (but seriously crazy) swimming instructor.  I will say up front: the movie is not that great.  It's very derivative of a number of other films and books (The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie comes immediately to mind).  But the sets and costumes are gorgeous.  And the actors portraying the boarding school girls are excellent, especially Juno Temple as Di.

But we're here for the clothes, duh!  So, of course, Eva Green's Miss G gets to wear some amazing outfits.  I wondered how a young boarding school swimming teacher in the 1930s was able to have such a large and beautiful wardrobe.  The only explanation given for this is the presence of a sewing machine in Miss G's room.

This striped jacket--amazing.  Especially loving the jewel tones against this misty forest backdrop.

Quite bohemian was Miss G.  Loved her pants and the amazing top.

The story is set on a fictional island off the coast of England, but the movie was filmed in Ireland.  The settings--particularly outdoors--are stunning.  

But of course, it was the clothes the girls wore that I loved the most.  They had uniforms, but were allowed to wear "mufti" on Sundays.

Orange velvet hat and coat.  Amazing.

Love the colors, the boots, the coats, hats, scarves...

I want to move to England and wear shorts with a cute sweater and Wellies.  Because I need to live in a place where it is possible to wear a sweater in the summer and not keel over.

Cutest sweater.

Look at the face on her!  Pretty dresses, but do not cross these bitches.  They gave me a flashback to junior high volleyball team.

 This little old terrier reminded me of Lucy, and my first thought was "nothing better happen to that dog!" but he never appeared again in the movie.  Whew.

Totally random shot having nothing to do with anything, but I'm glad it was left in the film.  I loved these ladies, and the sheep behind them.

I did love Miss G's room, though I'm sure it was some sort of film metaphor for her very disturbed mind.



  1. I'm always amazed that so many of the styles are timeless. There are so many pieces from this movie that I'd wear even today!

  2. I loved that room too, it was magnificent. More rich eccentric than boarding school teacher, yes, but let's allow this poetic license. I liked the film overall although it was extremely sad. Great costumes, image, the dark atmosphere, the cast - Juno Temple was fantastic and Eva Green pretty good too.

  3. Oh I love movie stills! And I would pay a pretty penny for the chance to add that olive green top (in the dock picture) to my wardrobe.

  4. I've never seen this movie and it's a shame it's not great but as you say, the costumes seem to make up for it!

    Fabulous eye candy! I love the orange coat combo and that polka dot sweater is the cutest thing ever!

    I do the same thing when ever I see beagles in movies/tv shows. I have to make sure they're okay!

  5. I hadn't heard of this film, but it definitely looks like something I'd watch, if only for the costumes and scenery! Ditto on needing to move somewhere cool enough for summer sweaters. I get so jealous when I look through the summer Rowan magazine!

  6. This looks great, what stunning costumes. I <3 the orange velvet coat... xx

  7. Stunning!!!! Wow- So inspiring-I want to run upstairs and sew my heart out :)
    Thanx so much :)

  8. Love it! Will rent it for the clothes and landscapes if nothing else :-)

  9. oh my god I need to watch this pronto, what an amazing set of clothes...what I'd give to raid that costume dept!!

  10. Just found you via Lauren Hairston. LOVE this post. Will seek out the movie, the clothes are scrumptious. We all still dress like that in England you know...

    Jenny from Silver Screen Suppers and The Shellac Sisters xx


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