Look at all this manly, woolen, military stuff hanging on the line! But what's that red, lacy number down at the end, hanging out with all the boys?

It's pretty 1950s red lace and chiffon party dress, hanging next to her date, a nubby atomic fleck brown wool suit. Both will be coming to the Etsy shop soon.

haha, i like this...you make a series called "clothesline confessions". who knows what the clothes do behind your back on the clothesline? :)
ReplyDeletewoah, grammer police! missing words, misplaced periods (i think)...i need coffee.
ReplyDeleteI'm going be an art dork for a sec, but I love the first photo, love the symbolism and juxtaposition. It would make a fantastic print. Yup, me dork.
ReplyDeleteAhhhh....a match made in heaven ;) & randomly....I need a clothesline!
ReplyDeletei love it! what a sassy little flirt that red dress is, cavorting with the officers ;)
ReplyDeletesuch a cute post! Puts a smile on my face this early am. :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with all the Ladies above- great shot!!!
ReplyDeletehuzzah for the anthropomorphication of vintage!
ReplyDeleteI really like military jackets!
ReplyDeletei was going to call that gal a little loose! my oh my!
ReplyDeleteHAHA I love that you gave them a little story.
ReplyDeleteThat little red lace number is one naughty kitten if she's amidst all those manly uniforms!