Sometimes it's impossible to part with your finds. Here are a few I had to keep.

These chalkware corn kids are way too cool. Although, the boy is looking a little demonic about his corn. (Those are potholders crocheted by my Grandma Edna hanging from them.) Andy found these at the same garage sale where he picked up the chalkware kitty cats that are my Etsy avatar (and are for sale in the shop).

Pretty deco jadeite green plate. There are no markings on this, and I don't know a dang thing about jadeite except I think it has been heavily reissued/remade. So I doubt this is vintage. However, I don't care. It's pretty.

Isn't that a great cover? She looks like Rosemary Clooney. I need to watch the movie again soon. How incredible is Barbara Stanwyck?

I got these at the same thrift store where I found Stella Dallas. The last thing we need is more plates and bowls, but I cannot pass up things with pine cones on them!

Mmmm--Dior Eau Sauvage! Smells so good, especially in summertime. I found this gem at--craziest of all places--a sale in my old grade school gymnasium. (Which is 2000 miles away from where I now live. And the scene of recurring nightmares involving 8th grade volleyball. But that's another story.) I don't know how vintage it is, but I'm guessing 70s or 80s from the packaging. Still smells fantastic.

And finally, this little pink flamingo. He has a big crack in the base and is in a weird, vulture-like stance, but I had to have him. I don't know what it is, but if it's a little weird, off, or broken, I get a lot more interested. There is great charm to imperfection, which I suppose is why I started loving vintage in the first place!
Anyone have any keepers you want to share?