
Friday, July 31, 2009

Shop update tonight

Made a wee shop update tonight. This amazing deadstock 1950s dress and cropped jacket (I love the rosette sewn on the jacket):

And this cool slate gray Starlite by Baltimore Luggage train case that just happens to match the dress.

Happy Friday Night, everybody! May you all have exciting plans for the weekend. I will be starting to photograph some dresses from our big score tomorrow.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

We may never be able to park in the garage again

Sneak peek at a few lovelies, airing out in the backyard.

The little plaid button tab-waist blouse on the left is adorable. Also love the print on the sage green dress.

Three of the most amazing prints in a row here: olive and bronze polka-dot chiffon party dress, blue and black rose print cocktail dress, yellow rose sundress. Swoon! I plan to start getting these photographed this weekend.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Things to keep

Sometimes it's impossible to part with your finds. Here are a few I had to keep.

These chalkware corn kids are way too cool. Although, the boy is looking a little demonic about his corn. (Those are potholders crocheted by my Grandma Edna hanging from them.) Andy found these at the same garage sale where he picked up the chalkware kitty cats that are my Etsy avatar (and are for sale in the shop).

Pretty deco jadeite green plate. There are no markings on this, and I don't know a dang thing about jadeite except I think it has been heavily reissued/remade. So I doubt this is vintage. However, I don't care. It's pretty.

Isn't that a great cover? She looks like Rosemary Clooney. I need to watch the movie again soon. How incredible is Barbara Stanwyck?

I got these at the same thrift store where I found Stella Dallas. The last thing we need is more plates and bowls, but I cannot pass up things with pine cones on them!

Mmmm--Dior Eau Sauvage! Smells so good, especially in summertime. I found this gem at--craziest of all places--a sale in my old grade school gymnasium. (Which is 2000 miles away from where I now live. And the scene of recurring nightmares involving 8th grade volleyball. But that's another story.) I don't know how vintage it is, but I'm guessing 70s or 80s from the packaging. Still smells fantastic.

And finally, this little pink flamingo. He has a big crack in the base and is in a weird, vulture-like stance, but I had to have him. I don't know what it is, but if it's a little weird, off, or broken, I get a lot more interested. There is great charm to imperfection, which I suppose is why I started loving vintage in the first place!

Anyone have any keepers you want to share?


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

First post! And a big score...

Hello! And welcome to the inaugural post of the blog. I've been wanting to do this for a long time. As my favorite band the Replacements sang: it's too late to turn back, here we go!

Anyone who collects or loves vintage can tell you that The Big Score is always in the back of your mind. You might scour thrift stores, and sleep in your car to be first in line at estate sales. You might stop at every yard sale you see, and if you're lucky, you might find one or two great pieces.

But you can't stop thinking about The Big Score. The Big Score is found in the back room of an old shoe store, long out of business, that never got rid of extra stock. It's in the home of a woman who loved fashion...and who never threw anything away.

The other day Andy got a call from someone who said she had a "houseful" of vintage. Yeah, sure, he thought, a house full of polyester pants and housecoats maybe. But then he phoned me to let me know he was neck-deep in vintage dresses. This woman's mother had been a total fashionista. She'd had friends in the rag trade, and had purchased huge quantities of clothing at sample sales and end of season sales (the same way my thrifty-yet-chic Grandma Edna shoppped).

She did this (get ready) from the 1940s to the 1970s!

Here, in photographs, is a little taste of what Andy has brought home. So far.

A whole rack of dresses. Boxes and boxes of hats and purses. A pile of garbage bags not yet opened with more dresses, sweaters, and blouses inside.

It represents what was in ONE ROOM of the house. There is still more to come, and we are going to be very busy getting it ready for sale.

(There are at least three L'Aignon dresses!)

I can't wait to see exactly what's in this treasure trove. I hope you'll stick around and stay tuned to the blog for sneak previews!