
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Pete Campbell: "why can't i get anything good all at once?"

So I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that Mad Men is ending, a fact which has become extra hard to accept after I spent the last several months re-watching the series from the beginning, and falling even deeper in love with these wonderfully written and beautifully portrayed characters.  
Perhaps making small tributes to my favorites on the show will help me through the grieving process.

Let's start with Pete--Peter Dyckman Campbell, that is.  This smarmy fellow has somehow found a place in my heart, and that's a real testament to Matthew Weiner's writing and Vincent Kartheiser's excellent acting.  Pete can be condescending and irritating; he lacks charm.  He can also be hilarous, even though we laugh at him more than with him.  And despite all that, you kind of have to feel for him.  He's insecure and doesn't really hide it.  He wants to be Don, but he just can't.  Ah, Pete, I like you despite myself.

* "Not great, Bob!" This along with "The clients want to live, too, Ted!" is probably my favorite Pete catchphrase. | letterpress card from ModelCitizenPress
* Remember when Pete and Trudy did the Charleston at Roger and Jane's wedding? | print of an Erte illustration from printsandpastimes
* Pete seems to be a magnet for travel-related tragedy.  His father dies in a plane crash and his mother disappears while on an ocean cruise with man servant Manolo. | 1960s airplane photo from SnapshotVintage
* Dartmouth is Pete's alma mater. | 1950s Dartmouth pennant from MoonstruckVintageAZ
* Pete once said, "If I'm going to die, I want to die in Manhattan."  However, California Pete seems pretty damn happy. | mid century orange juice pitcher from TheRustyScarecrow
* Preppy Pete has been seen in some excellent casual wear, from polo shirts with artfully draped sweaters, to plaid sportcoats and pants. | 1960s madras plaid pants from heartoftexasvintage
* "It's a chip 'n' dip!" | 1950s chip and dip bowl set from BeeJayKay



  1. To this day I cannot look at a chip 'n dip set without thinking of poor Pete.

  2. Very well done, Karen!! Love it!


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