
Monday, October 6, 2014

i spy: old libraries, cozy cabins, and Garbo

Here's a small selection of things that caught my eye last month.  I've been combing through the vintage dresses in the Met archives and posting a dress a day over on my Tumblr page, which has been fun.  There is no particular theme; just dresses that I like.  You can see much more of this on Pinterest, as well.

clockwise, starting at upper left:
*Library of the Manor House, Bampton, Oxfordshire, 1900.  Photo by Henry Taunt. | English Heritage
*a cabin in Big Sur, California. | Cabin Porn
*Silk and fur evening dress, by Marguerite, ca. 1915. | Metropolitan Museum of Art
*Greta Garbo, 1926, photo by Ruth Harriet Louise.  The photo is wonderful, but so is the Garbo quote about her life in Hollywood that was posted with it: "Here, it is boring, incredibly boring, so boring I can’t believe it’s true." | Bizarre Los Angeles
*Illustration by Arthur Rackham of the three norns, from Siegfried & the Twilight of the Gods by Richard Wagner, 1911. |


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