
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Weihnachten / Christmas 1936

Christmas is almost here!  So it's the perfect time to travel through time and space to 1930s Vienna and Berlin via the December 1936 issue of Die Moderne Welt magazine.  I'm sharing some of the highlights from the issue here, but you can view the whole thing and other issues online at the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek.  (And apologies in advance for my amateur German translations.)

The lovely mosaic-style cover art (which looks very modern and current to me, for some reason), and a charming Christmas themed illustration inside.

New hairstyles for long hair, featuring Ginger Rogers!  And an ad for cigarettes and cigars made in Austria.  Great stocking stuffers?

The ski school begins, what do we bring?  I'd say we bring everything here, because it is all amazing.  I especially love that olive blouse and skirt on the left, and the brown coat with rounded collar.  The herringbone and striped skating outfits on the right are totally fun, and how great is the tweedy-plaid skating outfit on the right?  I love the culottes (Hosenrock in German or "pants skirt")!  I know I would have been wearing those Hosenröcke everywhere, not just to ice skate.  Actually, probably not at all to ice skate.  I do like to cross country ski though, and would totally wear that skiing outfit on the left, with its plaid scarf, gloves and socks.  

More outfits for winter sports, and some for elegant afternoons.  (I need to have more elegant afternoons.)

Evening dresses, blouses, and all kinds of little things.  I really love that outfit on the right:  the brown skirt with the terracotta side-tie vest.  And please send me all of the gloves, thank you.

Wool--the big fashion.  These sweaters--the top two especially--are amazing.  Can you see the crazy collar on the top one?

Christmas gift ideas--"Every year again--and always something new"--for her, him, and the kids.  My eyes were immediately drawn to the men's side, and those checked slippers with their Scottie dog case.  And that incredible travel bag at the top!  But then I took a closer look at the women's gifts.  #2 shows a coral bracelet (nice enough) and a flat clock in colored glass with leather tab that you can button into a buttonhole (nifty!).  #4 is a mirror with a set of lips inlaid to help you get the contours of your lipstick correct (weird, but fascinating).  And I think #5 is the best.  It shows a lighter that also a clock, and a leather belt decorated with a map print, and with a big leather buckle.  I would love to have that belt!  


1 comment:

  1. Love that cover and then Ginger Rogers inside! Fantastic.


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