
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

i spy: modern interiors, ancient exteriors, and gals with guns and books

I have to laugh every time I look at that New Era ad, below.  The non-models in coats in the found photo above the New Era ad are really selling their chic looks better, I think.

Also, can I have Anita Loos' dress, shoes, and haircut, please?  

More inspiration can be seen on my Tumblr and Pinterest.

1 / Alfred Hendrickx S3 chairs, Sabena Airlines first class lounge, Brussels, 1958 / via
2 / Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinberg), interior lobby of the Palace of Youth / via
3 / Found photo of three chic ladies in amazing coat / lonny58 on Flickr
4 / hilarious 1954 New Era blouse ad / My Vintage Vogue
5 / vintage night shot of Canal Street in New Orleans / NatGeoFound

1 / Self-portrait, ca 1947, embroidery on linen by Mariska Karasz /
2 / Edinburgh view by Wil Freeborn / Wil Freeborn on Flickr
3 / Anita Loos in a great plaid dress, shoes, (and haircut!), 1926 / via
4 / Neuer Markt am Abend by Ferdinand Kruis, 1914 / via
5 / Hungarian art nouveau doors / elinor04 on Flickr



  1. The expressions on the ladies at the bottom of the New Era add are amazing!

  2. I really do like your taste in images.

    There's a book on the work of Mariska Karasz that is really interesting.


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