
Monday, July 8, 2013

i spy: cool dames, dapper gents, and a European vacation

In June my eye was caught by cool dames (like Bardot, Swinton, and Piaf), dapper gentlemen, and anything having to do with Munich or Vienna.  (Yes, I can't stop thinking about our trip to Europe this fall, as you can tell by the second collection of photos below.)

Have a look, and check out my Tumblr and Pinterest for more!

1 / tintype portrait of a dog perched between two photographic braces, ca. 1860-1890 / via
2 / Tilda Swinton modeling the Chanel Paris-Edimbourg collection, which I apparently cannot get enough of / via
3 / Brigitte Bardot / via
4 / every man should dress like this.  London street style. / Street Style Aesthetic
5 / Edith Piaf by Jean Gabriel Séruzier, 1940 / via

1 / my favorite actor (who happens to be Austrian--indeed, Viennese!) models for Prada / via
2 / a scene drawing for Die Niebelungen by Otto Hunte / via deutsches Film Museum Film Institut
3 / Munich in autumn, photo by Mariusz Kluzniak / via
4 / three faces representing painting, architecture, and sculpture at the Vienna Secession Hall, photo by Simon Trimby / via
5 / Zoigl beer sign, outside Wolframstub'n Zoiglbrauerei in Windischeschenbach, Bavaria.  Each side of the six-sided stars outside these establishments represents one of the six ingredients that goes into making the beer. / via Michael James/beertravl's Flickrstream
6 / an Art Nouveau guest bedroom by Bruno Paul, 1901 / via



  1. Are you going to Munich as well as Vienna? Lovely city!

    I love the Swinton ad campaign. So beautiful!

  2. Love that photo of Piaf and you must be getting so very excited about your trip! :D


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