
Friday, March 15, 2013

shoe store, 1950

We recently came across these photos while buying dresses from an old house that was being cleaned out.  Someone in the family had worked at this shoe store in Grand Rapids, which I believe was Hoekstra Shoes (John Hoekstra and Bert Hoekstra are identified as the men in the second photo, which is also dated 1950.)

I love that this woman's purchase is wrapped in paper and string.  Also, something about the lighting in this photo makes the sales person (who is identified as Wm. Herr on the back of the photo) look rather angelic, doesn't it?  He's a Shoe Angel!

Don't you wish you could walk in there and buy those adorable sandals?

I know Ball-Band as a maker of Converse-like canvas and rubber sneakers.  Apparently they also made really cute women's casual sandals and shoes.

Here they are in gorgeous technicolor, thanks to this 1951 ad I found at myvintagevogue.



  1. What great photographs, I love the look of those Ball-Band shoes!

  2. Those shoes are so pretty and I love these photos. And the idea of a shoe angel.

  3. my grandfather had a shoe store in the 40s, 50s and 60s in california, so these pictures are making me all nostalgic. it's cool to see these photos and imagine what his might have been like!

  4. What a great find Karen and those shoes look so comfy and stylish. I've always wanted a pair of Summerettes but they're always so expensive.

  5. I don't think I could love those photos any more than I do. I mean, really! When I was in college I found a pair of deadstock summerettes in an old shoe store. I wore them until they literally fell apart. Seriously, they were the most comfortable sandals ever. They were the beige ones in the ad, but mine were navy.

  6. Amazing, amazing, amazing photos. Is there a Grand Rapids Historical Society or Archives that might love to give the photos a permanent home?


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