
Thursday, March 22, 2012

one day like this

My birthday was Tuesday.

This handsome fellow took me out for the day.  We started off at the Winchester for lunch, where they had a great special--10 ouncers of beer for $2.00!  This is one of my favorites, Blue Point Toasted Lager.

I had to take a photo of the house across the street from the Winchester, which is purple, and has a pink Christmas tree in the upstairs window.

We did some book shopping, and then headed to the zoo.  These bears were freaking me out a little.  It's their little bitty eyes, I think.

I wasn't there for the bears, though.  I was there...

for these.

Hello, my love.

Yes, it's 85 degrees--you two should definitely go for a dip.

Oh.  My.  God.  (Right about here is where I almost had a Kristen Bell sloth moment.)

Look.  He said hi to me!

I didn't want to leave the capybaras, but the zoo was closing.  So we headed to Eastown's new addition, Harmony Brewing.  The farmhouse ale we had was delicious.  Afterwards I took a picture of Andy outside the pizzeria he used to live above.  I love the old signs.

We stopped by Lost and Found so I could shop for a change (I found a really cute mushroom tea towel), but also took the opportunity to snap a couple photos of our space there.  After that, it was over to Vertigo Music, where Andy visited with Herm while I browsed (and bought Twilight Sad, British Sea Power, and Dexy's Midnight Runners cds).  Then a fantastic dinner at Reserve.

An excellent day!



  1. Happy belated birthday, lady! Looks like a great day! I love your chartreuse shoes.

    1. Slu, those shoes are embarrassingly cheap non-leather Old Navy flats (probably 5 years old or more) that I end up wearing all the time due to their great color.


    I've been loving the Blue Point Toasted Lager lately. You and your day looks fantastic!

  3. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had such a great time. I've never seen Capybaras in person but they're awfully cute. I'll have to see if our zoo has some--I'm taking Paul to see the penguins. It's not quite Kristen Bell-level, but he does love penguins. I'm excited because our zoo has river otters! Love otters!

    So glad you had a fun day. I love your dress and the crazy house with the pink tree. Oooh and $2 beer! That's awesome, too!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday!! What a wonderful day....although I probably would have stayed at the Winchester all day! Give me one beer & I lose all beer that is!!!

  5. Sounds like a pretty great birthday. I think I would have like to see your "sloth moment' though. LOL

  6. Smashing birthday outfit! Happy birthday to you, Karen! Love your blog and the great things you stock your Etsy shop with. Wishing you a lovely year - Patrice

  7. Aw, happiest of happy belated birthdays Karen!

    It looks like you had an amazing day and I love the dress you wore. So perfectly matched with your shoes (as always)!

    I hope you had some yummy cake too!

  8. Happy birthday! Sounds like a perfect day to me. Any day that starts and ends with a good beer is a winner in my book.

  9. happy belated birthday, karen!!!! looks like a lovely, relaxing day you had. and, um....those cabybaras swimming are TOO DARN CUTE!

  10. Happy Birthday lady! Looks like you had a rad day. Seriously though.... you and the capybara thing... it's killin' me. What would Lucy think? I mean... I *know* what Rudy would think.... There is no room for the world's largest rodent in a terrier's life.

    The bears look like they wish the people would leave so they can party alone... without prying eyes interrupting their good times.


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