
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

finally spring

It's not really spring here, in my opinion, until it's comfortable enough to drink beer outside. Saturday--at last! I mean, it's freaking May, already--was nice enough for us to do just that. We ventured with Lucy to the dog-friendly patio at Hopcat and enjoyed a couple delicious brews while we watched the local cowboys and cowgirls headed to the Kenny Chesney concert. (Trust me, it was pretty good people-watching.)

Perfect weather. Warm enough to go bare-legged, but cool enough to require a cardigan.

While we were downtown this amazing old doorway caught my eye. It's in a spot I've walked by hundreds of times--I've no idea how it escaped my notice before now. It looks like the entry to a jazz age speakeasy. I particularly love the vines creeping across the bricks near it.

I've always loved the Noble Wood Products sign. I captured the building here in the evening sun, with the shadows of streetlights cast on it.

A crescent moon!



  1. Your dog is adorable! I love the old brick on the new door. All those colors are beautiful!

  2. a cardi and bare legs - my favorite way to dress. super cute, k!

  3. Hooray! I'm glad the weather is finally rewarding Michigan with a much deserved warm up. Also, I think there are about 25 different colors of bricks on that building! So pretty.

  4. Full disclosure: the bricks are all difference colors because I have a terrible habit of playing with my photos in Picnik. I don't know if *any* of those are the true colors! :D

  5. bare leg + cardigan weather is my favorite!
    such lovely photos (with or without the help of Picnik!).

  6. That building has a lovely facade! The more historic areas of my city are all barricaded off from public access (or destroyed!) after the earthquake, and I had no idea how much I truly enjoyed spending time amongst them until they were gone. Also, I love your sweet outfit.


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