
Sunday, May 9, 2010

a perfect day

Andy ran his 21st Fifth Third Riverbank Run on Saturday. He did great--came in 22 out of 357 runners in his age group, despite being plagued by a leg cramp throughout the second half of the race. Isn't he cute with his medal?

And for some reason this year, rather than napping and snacking at home all day after the race, he wanted to go thrifting! Now there's a real addict for you. Lucy and I were happy to oblige, so we hit a couple thrift stores, and then had a celebration lunch and beer at Bell's Brewery in Kalamazoo. Then more thrifting. Andy was a trouper. We weren't finding a whole lot, but we were having fun. I did score a bevy of adorable print blouses.

The day started out blustery, cold, and a bit rainy. Not fun for the runners, and especially not fun for spectators. But later in the day, the sun began to peek out from the clouds.

Happily, the weather improved enough that frequent Lucy-walks were possible. Look how she pays attention to me!

Oh, wait. Maybe it's not me. Apparently there's something in the bushes.

Late in the day, our thrift luck turned. Andy scored this cherry red vinyl and chrome chair for $4.99.

Our very last stop was a store we raced to because we knew it was closing soon. We got there 13 minutes before closing time, and suddenly I hit jackpot. A trio of beautiful 1940s-1960s dresses, all black, and all fabulous! One has a matching belt and bolero jacket. One is covered in rhinestones and soutache. The light was waning so I couldn't get good photos, but here's a little peek.



  1. Wow, congrats to Andy--that's very impressive!
    Such great thrifted finds--amazing :D Sounds like a superb day!

    I'd sure love to wear some vintage dresses..gonna have to hunt some down one of these days myself ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. oh man, that chair that Andy scored is DREAMY! color me jealous! that really does sound like a perfect day :)

  4. Great chair! It's always great making a find like that. :)

  5. love that sweet dog and your cute little floral dress. Also, I can't believe that chair find, amazing!

  6. love the print and colors of your dress, K. (it looks as though lucy is completely mesmerized least in the first photo!)

  7. That chair!! LOVE. Your dress is super cute, too.

  8. hehe the doggie is cute. Love your dress here, it looks great on you


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