
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

macro thrift trip

Some shots from last Saturday's thrift trip, which was filled with early spring produce from the farmers market, a fantastic lunch of celery soup and goat cheese tart, and some great thrifting finds.

Here I am, in a 1940s print crepe blouse, ever-present mustard J. Crew cardigan (seriously, I wear it all the time), jeans, and 1950s lady cop oxfords.

Close-up of the print on the blouse, which buttons up the back with the cutest clear blue plastic buttons with flowers on them.

The most ridiculous print I have ever seen on a western shirt.

Gratuitous dog shot. Well, not entirely gratuitous. We celebrate Lucy's birthday every Cinco de Mayo, so please join us in wishing her happy birthday. She's about 77 in dog years, but can still run circles around me. When she's not napping. We celebrated with a trip to the pet supply store where she was allowed to sniff the various rawhide items to her heart's content, and where I learned of the existence of cherry-flavored pigs' ears. Like plain pigs' ears aren't disgusting enough. There will be a nice walk in the woods once the weather improves, and special treats. No pigs' ears--just chicken jerky.



  1. happy birthday lucy! i hope you live forever and ever.
    and karen, i love your outfit, every bit of it!

  2. okay, i just saw "goat cheese tart," i love this day of yours; thrifting, goat cheese, 40's blouse and a dog. perfect.

  3. Lady cop it!

    Happy Birthday, Lucy!

  4. Love love love your mustard cardigan! goes well with your blues jeans!! love the outfit!

    Happy Birthday to Lucy!!

  5. my kitty Sophie's birthday is also today! She's only 4 though...

    love the macro photos!

  6. What great, good stuff!!!!! Love all the prints, love the day, love that doggy :) Looks like a darn good weekend.

  7. LOVE LOVE LOVE that red, white and blue daisy print!! Is it going in the shop?

  8. Cherry flavored pigs' ears. Yum! Lucy is super cute. :)

  9. Hey Rebecca Jean! Yes, that daisy print is on a cute dress that will be going in the shop.

  10. happy birthday to Lucy, and i hope you had some yummy margaritas! love the doggie photo :) can't even begin to understand cheery flavored pigs ears. maybe Bandit can explain it to me ...

  11. Thanks Karen, I will be looking for it!


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